11/10/2018 at 11:46am

The ocean is one of the most beautiful aspects of God’s creation. It is far as the eyes can see. It is limitless, calming and absolutely breath taking. The way the skies and water coordinate is almost like God takes His favorite paint brush and uses the sky as His masterpiece. There are reds, oranges, purples, and even yellow highlights. And because the water is reflective, the beautiful colors magically dance on top of the ocean water.

Stepping in can be intimidating but it is definitely necessary. Even with the shock of the temperature, you can inch a little closer the more you get comfortable. The ocean is so inviting. Once it pulls you in, you want to go farther. When you look back at the land, you notice how far away you are. You made it!

As I remember my time in the ocean, I remember something beautiful taking place right before my eyes. It has to do with the waves and how the water moves at its own rhythm. In the morning, the waves are most frequent, and they typically die down during the day. We are not talking huge waves but enough for them to go about 2 feet above your head.

Picture this: You are in the ocean and the water is extremely calm. The next thing you know, SWOOSH! a wave comes crashing down. You have three options when you are in the path of a wave. You can go against it and jump up and down to get ahead of the water. After a while, this can be so tiring because of the weight of the water. You will feel the burn in your legs hours after this. The fact is that you aren’t going anywhere. Yes, you beat the wave from crashing in your face. But you are still in the same position. It is almost like fear of getting your hair wet or that you are scared of the water. You hesitate.

Your second option when faced with a wave is to hold your breath and dive underwater. This lessens the impact of the waves, but I think you’re taking the most risk.

  • Preparedness, in an instant you must remind yourself not to panic and to remain calm.
  • Capabilities, you are in the dark underwater and you cannot see or hear very well. Open eyes from salt water are going to burn. So, you would need to keep your eyes closed in an ocean? Good luck with that!

Going underwater exposes a lack of confidence in yourself. If you are not confident in you, how can you trust God? There is evidence of lack of faith and fear of failure.

Your third option when faced with a wave is that you can turn your back, dive and allow the wave to push you forward. You get some speed, you get transition, you almost look translucent with the water. You are truly one with the ocean. You are not afraid. You are fearless. You are ready for what’s next. And when you come back up, all you want to do is do that again!

When you see a wave disturbing the calmness of the ocean, which option would you do? What type of person are you?

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