11/9/2018 at 1:45pm

Relationships are so hard. But I think what’s even more harder is trying to go through life thinking that you can do everything by yourself. We are not designed to be alone. Somewhere along the lines people get in their heads that they are super heroes and they can make it on their own.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17  NIV

I’ve lost a lot of friends. I had people turn their backs to me and disappoint me. I have had people lie on me and use and mistreat me. And it used to really hurt my feelings. But I thank God for divine intervention. He has shown me who really matters the most and has put trusted individuals in my path to help me during this journey. I have my longtime BFF, Lindsay. She was married in June 2017, and she moved to Louisiana. While I am so blessed to have her, we have known each other since 6th grade, I realized how much I missed having friends near me.

When you meet someone that you can grow old with, that’s a beautiful thing. Your significant other will be your rock. Your family can too. But if you don’t have anyone, know that you have God. The world is too cruel for you not to be surrounded by people who love you. There is always someone out there that will love you.

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 ESV 

We need help. We need people. Everybody needs love. If you are alone, you don’t feel loved. It’s easy to seclude yourself. Family is not just your blood. It is the people, your friends, your co-workers. Any one you come in contact with.

I recently lost my brother and the level of love and support people have shown me has made me realize that the best friend to have is God. And because of our relationship, I know He loves me so much that He puts people in my life along the way. God is love. Everything about love is God. God does not want us to be alone.

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.

 Genesis 2:18 ESV

The key is you have to be vigilant and open to the opportunity to love the way God intended you to love. When you put your own feelings out of the perspective you can start to focus on God, what He wants out of the situation, even in relationships. There is no coincidence that some people come into your life. You have to start a relationship with God and trust God and what He is showing or telling you to do. Baby steps and building trust with God is the key to relationships. The more the trust, the easier it is. With God, He knows our hearts and true intentions. Allow Him access to all your relationships and watch what happens. Jesus is the greatest friend we can have!

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