Women Suffer In Sil...
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Women Suffer In Silence

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She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Joined: 4 years ago

I wanted to write this post to acknowledge that women are not alone in suffering. I remember being in the restroom at work, crying uncontrollably during one my darkest hours. A woman lifted up her voice and asked, "Hey, honey, are you okay?"

Most women suffer alone in their own thoughts and emotions. The beautiful thing is that God does not want us to feel alone, because we are NOT.


For the body does not consist of one member but of many. 1 Corinthians 12:14 ESV


God is always actively working with the body of Christ to fulfill His purpose! God can use anyone or anything to remind us of His love and compassion! 


Have you ever went through something traumatic and felt like you were the only one in that situation?

Has a stranger ever offered kindness to you during your darkest hour? Was this stranger a woman?

Have you ever offered support to a woman you did not know? 
