Woman of Samaria
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Woman of Samaria

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She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Joined: 4 years ago

Week 9 - We will study the Woman of Samaria.


Focus Scriptures:

John 4:1-45


Have you ever read about the Woman of Samaria? Share your thoughts here

2 Replies
She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Joined: 4 years ago

Jesus had to pass through Samaria in order to get to Galilee. There was a conflict between the Samaritans and the Jews because the Samaritans had their own temple on Mount Gerizim and their own Israelite history. The Jews would worship in Jerusalem. The Jews thought that the Samartians were unclean and even though this was the shortest route to get to Galilee, many Jews bypassed Samaria by crossing the Jordan


When Jesus entered into Samarian village in Luke 9;51-56, He was not welcomed and one of his disciples James and John asked, "Lord, do you want us to tell fire to come down from heaven and consume them," (Luke 9:54).


Knowing the issues between the Samaritans and Jews helps us understand why the woman of Samaria is important in this scripture. After Jesus arrived in Samaria, he was tired and sat beside Jacob's well. As the woman of Samaria was coming to get water, Jesus asked her for her drink. The woman of Samaria appears to be offended that Jesus asked for a drink. After Jesus explains the difference between the water in Jacob's well and 'living water' this peaks the interests in the woman of Samaria to know more about the living water.


Living water means the message of salvation and knowing the truth about God and eternal life.


Do you remember when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior?


Have you ever had to help someone that you thought was an enemy or you had issues with?

She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Joined: 4 years ago

Although we do not know this woman's name, it is crucial to understand that Jesus knew this woman from the knowledge of our Father in Heaven. What Jesus does next was very interesting. After the woman of Samaria asks for the living water, Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband and come here, "( John 4:16). The woman of Samaria says she has no husband. That's when Jesus says, "You are right to saying, I have no husband; for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband,"(John 4:17-18).  This solidified to the woman of Samaria who Jesus was. And she believed Him when He said, "Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father." (John 4:21) Jesus was telling the woman of Samaria that soon everyone everywhere would be able to worship God in the new temple where He dwells.


The woman of Samaria knew the Messiah was coming and when Jesus confirmed, "I who speak to you am he," John 4:26. The woman of Samaria went into town and told the people of Samaria about Jesus and what He told her. "Many Samartians from the town believed him because of the woman's testimony, "(John 4:39). Now the Samartians were welcoming Jesus, first because of her testimony and then because they were able to witness Jesus for themselves (Verse 42).


There is power in testimony! Have you ever shared a testimony about your encounter with Jesus?


Have has anyone shared a testimony to you that made a significant impact on your life?
