The Prophetess Anna
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The Prophetess Anna

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She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Week 8 - We will study The Prophetess Anna.


Focus Scriptures:

Luke 2:1-38


Have you ever read about The Prophetess Anna? Share your thoughts here!

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She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Joined: 4 years ago

In Luke 2, we read about the birth of Jesus. This was a very exciting time because there were individuals who waiting on God to send His Redeemer. Two of those individuals were Simeon and Prophetess Anna.


We learn that God had revealed to Simeon that "he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ, (Luke 2:26).


Simeon took Jesus up and gave thanks to God. His parents marveled at the words that were spoken from Simeon about Jesus.


Has anyone ever prophesied over your life upon seeing you for the first time?


Have you witnessed the gift of prophecy?

She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Joined: 4 years ago

Although she was mentioned in two verses, we can learn from Prophetess Anna. We know that Anna was advanced in years and that she was a widow (verse 36). . She was married very young. Her husband is not named in scripture and she did not have any children


I thought it was interesting that in the ESV translation, the scripture states, " and then as a widow until she was eighty-four"( Verse 27).  Anna was a widow for 84 years. The bible does not state she was remarried. Prophetess Anna devoted her life to God when her husband died. Prophetess Anna never left the temple and her routine was worshipping with fasting and prayer night and day, Luke 2:37)


Prophetess Anna immediately starting thanking and praising God when she saw Jesus with his parents in the temple. Prophetess Anna knew that God had answered her prayers. 


Do you remember the feeling you felt when God answered your prayers?
