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She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Week 5- We will study Hannah


Focus Scriptures:

1 Samuel 1:1-28

1 Samuel 2:1-21


Have you ever read about Hannah? Share your thoughts here!

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She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Joined: 4 years ago

Let's just take a moment to talk about Hannah's husband, Elkanah.

We read that Elkanah has two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Because Hannah's name is listed first, we can assume Hannah was Elkanah' s first wife. He loved Hannah, even though she did not have children. I love that fact in verse 3-5, we learn that Elkanah was a believer in God and when he would do his yearly trip to Shiloh to worship and to sacrifice, he would give Hannah double portion for the peace offering.

On the other hand, his other wife, Peninnah, had children. Children were viewed as a blessing from God in the Old Testament. We quickly learn about the two wives relationship dynamic. Peninnah is described as Hannah's rival. A rival is a person or thing competing with another for the same objective. I believe that Peninnah would witness how much Elkanah loved Hannah and how he tried to fill the void of her not having children.

The scripture states that Peninnah would taunt Hannah to the point that Hannah would cry and not eat. I imagine that Hannah was suffering a lot internally.

Her poor husband would question her, "Hannah, why do you weep? And why do you not eat? And why is your heart sad? Am I not more to you than ten sons," 1 Samuel 1:8.

Has anyone ever tried to comfort you when you were sad and you were still sad?

Have you ever been bullied to the point that you are deeply distressed?

She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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In Verse 10, after Elkanah convinced Hannah to eat and drink, "she was deeply distressed and prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly." Hannah was praying from her heart. The scripture states in Verse 11, that Hannah "vowed a vow for the Lord of hosts to see her affliction, remember her and give her a son, " and ", she will give him to the Lord all the days of his life and no razor shall touch his head."

Hannah made a very bold promise to the Lord. She was praying with so much intensity in the temple but her voice could not be heard. When Eli, the priest, saw her mouth moving and her behavior, he literally thought she was drunk!

When Eli questioned her, Hannah's response was that she was a "woman troubled in spirit" and she was not drunk but "she has been pouring out her soul before the Lord,"(Verse 15)

What do you think it means to pray from your heart?

She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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Joined: 4 years ago

After her encounter with Eli, he tells her to "Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to Him," 1 Samuel 1:17. The scripture tells us that Hannah went about her way and she was able to eat and she was no longer sad (Verse 18).

When Elkanah and his family returned home, he laid with his wife Hannah. To be fair, we technically do not know how long it took but in verse 20, it states, "and in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son".

Hannah instantly felt relief when she prayed to God from her heart. She had faith in God and even though it may not have happened over night, God answered Hannah's prayer.

Remember, Eli witnessed her prayer in the temple and Eli reminded Hannah that God sees her (1 Samuel 1:17).
Hannah conceived her son and named him Samuel (1 Samuel 1:20) and Hannah kept her promise to God by bringing Samuel to the temple.

Hannah kept her promise to God and God honored her. Even after she gave Samuel to God, Elkanah and Hannah would visit him each year and Hannah made him robes. God remembered Hannah and He blessed Hannah with multiple children, (1 Samuel 2:21)

Why do you think God heard Hannah's prayer?

Have you ever asked God to get you out of a situation and promised Him something in return? Did you keep your promise?
