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She Is Encouraged
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Week 7- We will study Esther


Focus Scriptures:

Esther 2:1-23

Esther 4:1-17

Esther 5:1-14

Esther 7:1-10

Esther 8:1-17


Have you ever read about Esther? Share your thoughts here!

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She Is Encouraged
Posts: 52
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During this time King Ahasuerus reigned in Susa (western Persia). In Esther 1, we read about what type of king he was and we learn about his wife, Queen Vashti. King Ahasuerus was known for having elaborate feasts and you expected to drink and participate because the king "had given orders to all the staff of his palace to do as each man desired, (Esther 1:8).

Queen Vashti angered the King by refusing to attend the palace banquet with her royal crown. In verse 13, it says "Then the king said to the wise men who knew the times (for this was the king's procedure toward all who were versed in law and judgement)  suggests it completely caught the king off guard with Queen Vashti behavior.

Queen Vashti was described as very beautiful and I imagine this may have undermined the kings authority. The bible does not tell us specifically why Queen Vashti refused the King's order but we see how this impacted the next actions.


Do you think King Ahasuerus was of afraid of how Queen Vashti behavior towards his authority might influence other women?

She Is Encouraged
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King Ahasuerus ordered all of the beautiful young virgins to live under the king's eunuch Hegai, who were in charge of the women. Esther was one of those women. Esther had neither father or mother but Mordecai took her as his own daughter (Esther 2:7). And Mordecai instructed for her not to reveal that she was a Jew during this time for fear of her being treated differently.

We learn in verse 12 that the women were under regulation with Hegai for twelve months. The women were under strict beauty standards that allowed them six months of beautifying with oil of myrrh, spices and ointments.

The young women were given anything they desired. When it was time for Esther to go before the king, she "asked nothing except what Hegai advised, "(Esther 2:15). Not only was Esther beautiful and had an amazing figure but she was winning the king's favor and he fell for her quickly.


Have you ever felt like you were sought out for your physical appearance?

How do you feel about the beauty standards according to this chapter versus what we see today?

She Is Encouraged
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In Esther 4, we learn about the serious plot that Haman created to destroy all of the Jews throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus. Haman did not like that Mordecai did not show him respect by bowing down, in Esther 4:2. Haman let it be known how he felt about Jews. Esther had to think of plan quickly to save her people. In Esther 4:16, she tells the Jews to fast for 3 days and nights and she will go to the king about what Haman is plotting to do.

Esther shows her faith in fasting and praying for the next few days because she knew the position she was in.

In a time where women were just sought after for their beauty and was supposed to do as they are ordered, Esther knew the risk she was taking for even approaching the king.


Have you ever fasted and prayed before undertaking a big assignment? What was the outcome?

She Is Encouraged
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Esther prepares a banquet and it pleased the king that he asks her what she would like, in Esther 5:6.  Esther requests Haman to the feast that she prepared for them.

On the second day of the feast, Esther asks the king for her life and the lives of her people to be granted. She explains that her people "have been sold to be destroyed, to be killed and to be annihilated. "Esther 7:4. When the king asks Esther who created this, she names Haman.

In verse 9, the king ordered Haman to be hanged in the gallows that he prepared for Mordecai. Queen Esther saves the Jews.


Have you ever learned of someone trying to plot against you and your family? What was your response?
